It’s wet and sunny in turns. Another low pressure system is working its way across the peninsula. The rain is turning the green carpet around us into a jungle. The bean plants that I sowed in Sarah and David’s field a few weeks ago are already six inches high. One can virtually watch them grow.
This is true also for Braveheart and Dearheart, who have been upgraded from the guest bedroom to the south patio to permit my sister, Cathy, to occupy the bedroom in their place. They have taken to their new quarters with gusto. After an interrupted night midweek I reported to Jones that I felt like Old Mother Hubbard. In spite of several nocturnal trips downstairs, I failed to find the cause of the crashing noises that woke me. All the windward shutters appeared to be firmly secured. When the racket resumed at dawn, I went down yet again to find the kittens playing with a metal bar that was banging against a door.
Just as I was getting back to sleep, Tommie started squalling for his breakfast – and then Stoopy threw up on the upstairs carpet.
Come back Jones, all is forgiven.
Jones and I continue to exchange daily text messages via our mobile phones. It is just over a week since her boat left Venice. It has tended to sail at night and lie up during the day while the passengers, Barbara and Maureen included, go exploring. Her latest messages have come from Athens. I’m sure she will not mind if I give you a flavour of what she has had to say:
“Venice. Just back from sunset boat trip. Dinner at Danielli hotel. Glamorous and pricey but great.
Just made it on board. Now unpacking. Cabin fine if I stay tidy. Still need to explore ship.
Sorry. Long silence. Busy day. Room-service supper.
At breakfast. Many Americans. I am off to tour glass factory.
Just coming into sight of Croatia coast. Very rocky. Light cloud. Joining walk tour of town. Email very pricey, very busy.
Am sitting (on an island) in a quiet spot shaded by pines, looking across Adriatic to mainland Croatia. Water lapping at my feet.
Three thirty and just sailing from Corcula.
Corfu today and all day tour. Captain’s party last night. Wore the dress (a birthday gift from Kevin and Ann). Had photo taken with him and M. Cloudy warm calm sea.
Done Corfu. Coach trip across mountains via small functioning monastery and coves to east coast and lunch on west. Drove around Corfu old town. It’s okay. Many bars.
Didn’t explore. Tomorrow visit ancient Olympic site on Katakalon. Many cats on Corfu.
Already docked in to ancient Olympic site. Now having usual muffin and coffee. Last night saw Willis film, Sixteen Blocks.
Olympic ruins and museum wonderful. Katakalon much more quaint and clean than Corfu. Met two pleasant Americans.
Who won world series baseball please? (This at the behest of the Americans)
Thanks for baseball info. Charlie impressed. Patmos today. Is in bible, Book of Revelation.
Just docked Izmir. Visit Ephesus. Early start. Last night Filipino crew gave song and dance show. Quite moving. Patmos stunning.
Just back from Ephesus. Mind blowing. Pouring rain. Forgot brolly. M shared. She in good spirits but feels officers not paying enough attention to us.
Bad weather due. Now sailing to Istanbul. Had great visit to carpet factory, prices out of my league. Look forward to a day without touring on Thursday.
Driving rain, heavy seas. Not sea sick. Today blue mosque and Topkapi Palace.
Just back from Turkish dinner, belly dancers. Great city and mosques. St Sophias. Just leaving port now. Flood-lit skyline. Rest-day tomorrow.
Six in the morning, watching sun rise over Dardenelles.
Despite glamour here, envy you. On open sea heading for Athens.
Just done ten times round the deck. Now for a shower and a show, then dinner.
Docked in Piraeus for Athens. Vast cruise liner alongside. Busy port. Will have morning tour of acropolis.
Acropolis was amazing but crammed. Athens much cleaned up. Traffic abominable.”
My own week has been dull by comparison.
On Monday I went looking for some computing equipment.
Wednesday was a public holiday. That meant that there was no early morning bus from Loulé so I had to fetch Natasha. She cleaned inside while I tidied up outside ahead of Cathy’s arrival. The dogs and I went to fetch Cathy from the airport mid-afternoon and were very pleased to welcome her back to the Algarve. I took her to supper at the Adega. It was as good as always. The owner confessed that he was hoping for a small turnout that evening as he and the staff had been worked off their feet over lunch.
Thursday brought the usual English classes. Cathy helped me walk the dogs from the car to the building and then occupied herself for an hour. The dogs came to classes with me.
Then we drove in the drizzle to Almancil to fetch an elderly friend plus large dog and to take the pair of them to the vet in Loulé. His house floods easily after heavy rain. As usual, the water was lapping around his front door.
And Friday Cathy and I bought the weekly papers and took ourselves to Alte for coffees, toasted sandwiches and a catch up of the news. Jones will sigh when she reads this as it’s one of her favourite activities. And in spite of her exotic and glamorous adventures, she sighs a little for home.
I have assured her that she will be back soon enough.
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