The delay, as we later learned from the captain of the incoming flight, had been caused by a diversion to Winnipeg to save a sick passenger, aggravated by the failure of the air traffic control system at Maastricht in Holland.
Our arrival in Calgary coincided with a long-weekend, which my niece, Penny, and family were to spend at their cabin on Lake Windermere in BC.

Joining them were her brother, Mark, and his family. We had booked ourselves into a B&B, set in a lovely garden, on the outskirts of the village. We occupied the spacious lower floor of the house, with a full-sized pool table among the diversions for the use of guests.

The caravan was particularly welcome because Penny’s house had been damaged by a flood some months earlier when a faulty valve on the plumbing burst. Although the repairs were well underway the kitchen wasn’t yet functional. So the combined family spent much of the time living in the caravan. Connor got along famously with his cousin, Jackson, while young Wyatt amused himself with whom-ever.

We loved Windermere, with its villagey atmosphere and the wondrous backdrop of water and mountains, the peaks still draped in snow. Penny and Mike’s house was pretty much in the centre of the village. A few metres away at the crossroads was the village store, along with a couple of arty shops and the very tired and shut-looking village pub. To my regret, it was only on our last day that we discovered that this was actually functional, and served excellent beer.

Invermere, 15 minutes around the end of the lake to the far bank, was a much bigger centre, with several blocks of shops, restaurants and what have you.

In the evenings, Mike would light a fire in a pit in the garden and the folks would sit around and have a few drinks and converse. Jones and I generally opted for an early bed. One evening I worked out how to transfer jpg pictures from my mobile phone to my computer via a bluetooth connection – and felt very pleased with myself.
After several days in Windermere we waved the family goodbye and set off on the first leg of our drive to Vancouver, where we were to meet up with two of Barbara’s nephews. The scenery on the drive through the Rockies is simply stunning, even in the damp weather that descended on us. The road winds ever higher into the mountains.

We stopped for an hour at the highest point of Rogers Pass to take in the still snow-bound visitors’ centre and a 15-minute film on the avalanche-filled history of road and rail building in the area.
That evening and the next we stayed at the Siesta Inn in the city of Kelowna. Kelowna is an attractive, rapidly expanding centre that squats on the narrows of Lake Okanagan. There, as at most stops along our route, we gave ourselves a day to look around. I was fascinated to see that the city’s buses were all equipped with a frame at the front to which cyclists could – and did - attach their bicycles.

The latter offer free tastings, a popular pastime among visitors although, as we were to discover at the Red Rooster winery, tasters were required to put down a deposit of 5 dollars each, recoverable on the purchase of any wines.
The young man serving us apologised for this imposition, explaining that it had been introduced recently to offset the losses incurred from such tastings the previous season. The wines were not cheap – typically 20 dollars a bottle – double what one would pay for wines of similar quality in Portugal.

From Kelowna we set off on the second leg of our journey to Vancouver. The route winds through range after range of the Rocky mountains. Jonesy, who was scanning her guide book as we drove, suggested a stop at Hell’s Gate, a high, narrow gorge which squeezes the great Fraser River into a furious maelstrom.

It was in Langley that Barbara’s nephew, Chris, had recently settled, after emigrating from South Africa with his wife, Jane, and family (Luke 6 and Dave, 1+). We met Chris briefly on the evening of our arrival.

Bevan and Sion returned with us to Langley, where they were booked into our hotel for the following two nights. Our first (Jones) family reunion took place at Langley airport, five minutes down the road. We gathered on the restaurant patio beside the apron, watching the comings and goings of small planes.

The aircraft included a number of float-planes, equipped with wheels that enable them to land with equal ease on runways.
That evening we met at a Greek restaurant for what Chris and Jane admitted was their first real dinner out since their arrival in the city some months previously. The food was Greek and very good; the wine was a South African chardonnay, and it flowed. Chris managed to get us a table sufficiently far from the “live” entertainment to enable us to converse – and a great deal of conversation was had.

On the Saturday morning he led us an hour east along the highway to Cultus lake for a blue-sky picnic. We didn’t mind the motor boats that howled across the water towing skiers or kids who clung to air-mattresses. After playing football with us, Luke went off to race twigs with Jonesy in a stream. Much of the time we just sat on a floating deck and chatted.

On the Sunday, our hosts led us to the airport.

BC is a land of lochs and lakes – and seaplanes are its lifeblood.
Our own departure was early afternoon from the main terminal. The flight, in a Dash-8 with about 40 passengers, was to Victoria on Vancouver Island, barely 15 minutes away.

There was no chance to use the loo on the aircraft and I had reason to regret the two beers I’d consumed over lunch. We landed at Victoria to find that Air Canada had managed to lose my suitcase. So we reported its loss, signed out a hire-car and made our way 30 minutes up the coast to a comfortable B&B.

It was just 100 metres from the beach where we took supper among the vast forest of driftwood. This driftwood is a feature of the whole Canadian Pacific coast. It is tossed up on to the beaches in vast quantities during storms – or sometimes stripped away again.
The missing suitcase arrived early the following morning, as we were about to set out for the Butchart Gardens 30 minutes away.

The afternoon we spent in downtown Victoria, the capital of BC.

The harbour there, like that in Vancouver, hummed with boats and seaplanes. Most of our time went into a visit to the city’s main museum. The displays are excellent and we emerged far better educated about Canada’s native peoples and its ecology. The only downside of visiting Victoria is the number of beggars, bummers and lay-abouts who spend their time trying to separate the city’s many visitors from their loose change. Like Vancouver, the city is among the warmest places in Canada and it’s a magnet for the homeless.
Tuesday (27th) we set out up the coast to Nanaimo, and then turned west through hill, dale and national park to the small resort town of Tofino. We were fascinated to see a black bear run across the road a couple of hundred metres in front of the car.

Shortly thereafter we came across several cars that had stopped to watch a mother bear and a cub that were scratching for food on a bank. We later heard from a park warden that a second cub had been killed the previous day when it ran across the road in front of a pick-up driven by a fisheries official. One understands why there are constant reminders of the low speed limits set in the reserve.

where we spent most of a day following trails through the forest and beachcombing for shells and pebbles.
The temperate forest extends right down to the beach. At the visitor centres there are explanations of the varieties of trees to be found and how the most weather-proof of these – spruce if I remember rightly – takes the brunt of the wind and sand at the shore’s edge, protecting less hardy varieties.

Slightly inland one comes across extensive “bog forests” - the area is among the wettest in the world - where the soil lacks nutrients and the trees are tiny by comparison.
Vancouver Island lies in one of the world's most dangerous earthquake zones, on a line joining two great tectonic plates.

From Tofino in the west we motored to the small timber and fishing town of Port Hardy, which sits on the northernmost tip of Vancouver Island. The journey takes the best part of 7 hours. Once again, as we returned through the national reserve around Tofino, we spotted several black bears. They’re big guys and amazingly agile – we saw two scramble up a near vertical bank.
Initially, the road bends and twists through forest and around lakes until one hits the main highway north to Port Hardy. This runs wide and straight up the east coast of Vancouver Island. I found it hard to respect Canada’s relatively low speed limits (max 110 kms; typically 80 – 90). We stopped often, for coffee or snoozes or little explorations.

The owners rent them out at high prices to visitors who invade the area in the summer. The last building on the boardwalk is a whale museum.

The cove is barely 30 minutes from Port Hardy itself. The visitor centre there gave us directions to our B&B and to the rental car drop-off. This, irritatingly, was at the airport, about 15 minutes back along the road. It is the quietest airport I’ve ever come across. We found only one other traveler in the terminal and no sign of any staff whatsoever. One notice declared that management went home at 4 p.m. Another informed visitors that the restaurant would open in June.

Our hosts at the B&B in Port Hardy were Beverley and Gerry, a couple our age who left leaflets in the bedrooms intended to guide their guests to Jesus. Like us, virtually all their guests were passengers using the ferry service that connects Port Hardy with Prince Rupert, a Canadian port close to the border with Alaska.

That meant either arising at 04.00 to catch the ferry or disembarking from it at 23.00. Fortunately, Beverley and Gerry organized their own lives around this schedule. They laid out a buffet breakfast for us, to eat or to pack, at 04.30 the next morning, before a mini-van arrived to take us and the rest of our group to the ferry port around the far side of the bay.

The ferry, the 10-thousand ton Northern Adventure, takes 15 hours to make the run up the waterways known as Canada’s inner sound. It was due to sail at 07.30 but left (and subsequently arrived) an hour late because of an electrical problem. The width of the passage through a maze of forested islands varies from several kilometres to just a few hundred metres. The more mountainous islands are still tipped with snow.

Most of the ship’s passengers – at 200 we were less than half full – sit in rows of comfortable seats in the lounge or on chairs fixed to the rear decks. Somewhat extravagantly, I’d reserved a cabin, where we parked our bags and retired for welcome snoozes. We spent most of our time on deck, keeping a sharp eye out for whales or other creatures. We saw only one, breaching some distance away. From its behaviour a member of staff identified it as a humpback.

Another moving dot in the water, too distant to identify clearly, turned out in the zoom lens of a fellow passenger’s camera to be a bear. It was easily 2 kilometres from the nearest land. We’d read how grizzlies were swimming across from the mainland to the islands.
Our late arrival meant that it was close to midnight by the time we’d disembarked at the ferry port in Prince Rupert, where we had to wait for taxis to drive us a mile to the hotel strip in town. Our taxi deposited us at the Crest Hotel, a stately pile that was undergoing renovations. The following morning we had an hour to wander around the town and, since breakfast was not included in the deal, to take coffee and muffins at the locally famous Cowpuccino.

Dustbins and other town paraphernalia were painted in a black and white pattern, resembling the markings on a cow’s back – in memory of the settlers who first tried, without much success, to establish cattle ranching in the area.
From the hotel a taxi took us a couple of miles around the bay to the seaplane base.

At the appointed hour, our flight was called and a young pilot appeared with a paper cup of coffee in his hand. We walked along the floating deck to the seaplane. The cabin was very small. I clambered with some difficulty into the right-hand front seat. Jones and another passenger (Shirley, an islander) climbed into the back. An assistant shoved the plane away from the dock, the pilot started the engine and we cruised out into the bay. Flight checks were minimal. Then the pilot gunned the engine, we slid across the water and, at barely 70 mph, eased ourselves into the sky.

This proved perfect for us, with a kitchen and living room overlooking the bay, with its small marina and seaplane quays below us.
Our first visit was to the Purple Onion Deli just across the road and our second to the nearby tourist centre.

There we met Maureen, who knows as much about the islands and their large black bear population as anybody. When I asked her if it was safe for visitors to take trails through the forest, she shrugged. “You don’t look like a fish and you don’t smell like a fish, she said, and here the bears eat fish”. As it happens, we didn’t encounter any bears – although we did see otters and black-tailed deer - and scores of bald eagles.

These flock like sparrows in the trees and along the shoreline. It’s common to see half a dozen of the big birds lined up together on the beach – or squabbling over a find.
As we lacked a car the first day, we took ourselves on a 13 km walk around the bay to Skidegate. This is one of the villages where the native people, the Haida, are concentrated.

From our B&B hostess, Leonore, who doubled as a car renter, we hired a car the following day and took ourselves 90 minutes to the further end of the northern (Graham) island.

Although there is still some commercial fishing, it’s sport fishing and tourism that are now the islands’ commercial backbone. Fishermen fly in to the airport at Sandspit on the south island, using the small regional airlines. They also helicopter and seaplane into every cove and bay. We were to run into dozens of them at Sandspit airport on our way out, all taking home their cardboard boxes of frozen salmon and halibut.
The first stop on the road north from Charlotte is the almost invisible community of Tlell (“tilell”). Visitors tend to complain that they missed it, and little wonder. All that’s visible from the road is the Rising Tide bakery, where we joined a number of mainly stout local residents. The fare was excellent.

One has to turn off the main road to find the several craft shops and B&Bs that seem to make up the rest of the village. We stopped at the Crystal Cabin, run by Laura, to inspect her wares. She had lots of really lovely locally-made stuff, and Jones came away with a smoky-quartz bead necklace.

Next along the road is Port Clements (emphasis on the 2nd syllable of Clements). Here we found a splendid little museum, run by volunteers, with one of Canada’s two recorded albino ravens (self-electrocuted and later stuffed), and the bric a brac of ages, as well as with some of the amazing machinery used by the early logging industry. To get across the extensive bogs to the trees, the loggers constructed raised tracks of tree-trunks, very much like railway lines – along which tractors pulled specially-built wagons.

At the tip of the island are the two communities of Masset and Old Massett. Both names (and spellings) are derived from the original Haida settlement.

Sarah commented that gardening was a foreign concept to the Indians, as was the notion of decorating the house exterior. These activities were not important to them, not part of Indian culture or tradition. But Indian kids, she said, were into the internet, ipods and the rest of your electronic gadgetry as much as their white Canadian brethren.

Our last stop, on the way back, was at a beach where a large boulder balances precariously on a rock shelf. Jones and I took pictures of each other standing in its shadow. It’s known, unsurprisingly, as Balancing Rock.
Our final morning on the island was divided between the Purple Onion Deli, where patrons were invited not simply to sign the visitors’ book but to contribute a poem or a drawing as well, and the visitors’ bureau. At the latter, Maureen was happy to put on videos about the islands to entertain us for an hour.
Just after midday we hopped on board the bus that tours the B&Bs each day to fetch air travellers.

On our final day we took ourselves for a stroll around Calgary’s Glenmore reservoir - and then on to the airport for the final leg. We were lucky to have three seats to ourselves on the flight to Frankfurt. Not so lucky was the one-hour delay on our connection to Lisbon. That caused us to miss our train. We rebooked ourselves on the evening express and informed our house sitters, Terry and Margaret.

The express, a tilting train known as the Alfa Pendular, is as close as Portugal comes to the French TGVs. It’s not as fast but it’s supremely comfortable and well-equipped. It’s also inexpensive – a mere 25 euros for a first-class 3-hour journey south – about the same price as it costs to visit the loo on London’s Victoria station.
It’s from the rear window seat in carriage two, with my computer plugged into the socket below, that this final missive comes. Jones sits beside me, making sandwiches from the still-fresh bread we bought at Tlell on the far side of the world and mixing baggies.

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