On the table we found a brief thank you note from Mike and Lyn, who had texted us with a request to make use of our bathroom as water supplies to their nearby holiday cottage had dried up. In fact, water supplies to the village have dried up as the result of the latest problem with the system, whatever that may be. Such hiccups are not infrequent. Like most villagers, we simply switched across to a private supply. We keep the cisterna semi-full, with sufficient water to last several weeks, and should have no difficulty refreshing ourselves and the garden until the local authorities turn up some time next week to sort the problem out.
Lyn has spotted a variety of orchid that we have never come across before. How she did so is hard to know, because the flowers – there were several of them – were hidden in low scrub at least ten metres from the track that the couple were following with Jones. It’s a route we often walk and we had no idea that we had so frequently passed close to this little jewel. Mike borrowed our orchid book and was able to identify the discovery as a “bug orchid”.
We have had the pleasure of Mike and Lyn’s company on several occasions, generally at the end of a day after the couple have returned from bird-watching and flower-discovering expeditions down at the coast. The area around Faro airport, which is situated on the edge of the marshes, is a particular favourite of theirs as Mike is an aircraft enthusiast as well as a bird watcher. He likes little better than to photograph anything with wings.
His pictures bear testimony to his flair although, as I observed to him, it’s hard to know whether he’s an average photographer with an amazing camera or an amazing photographer with an average camera.
What I am coming to is that one evening I had a call from him to say that he and Lyn had parked near the salt pans behind the airport to do some bird-watching, only to find when they tried to leave that a barrier had been lowered across the road and locked in place. Could we help extricate them?
Of course we could. After loading the car with a selection of crowbars and hacksaws, I set off, borrowing a large chain-cutter en route from Horacio, the builder. But I got only as far as the River Algibre, ten minutes away, when Mike called again to say that they’d been rescued. Three dubious-looking fishermen, who were passing in an elderly car, had seen the couple’s plight and gone to their assistance. It took one of them just a few seconds with a rock and a length of iron reinforcing-rod to break the chain that secured the barrier.
At this point, the police turned up, summoned by the airport fire-brigade on the other side of the security fence to assist Mike and Lyn. But seeing that the fisherman had already done the job, the police shrugged off the damage to the barrier and went on their way. All this we gleaned over drinks on the south patio when Mike and Lyn turned up half an hour later, none the worse for their experience – other than feeling slightly foolish.
If I was not able to help much with that rescue, except in pouring drinks for the hapless victims, I was able to assist one of the locals who had driven into trouble with his tractor. The man concerned had been cleaning a field with a scarifier, leaving great clumps of earthy weeds scattered about in his wake. At one point, he had tried to drive his tractor across the top of a particularly large clump, while still dragging a pile behind him. The end result was that the tractor sat on top of the little mountain of weeds while all four wheels simply dug themselves into the earth. Needless to say, the driver felt a bit of an ass. (That’s a donkey, Canadians, the animal that Mary rode into Egypt – not a butt).
I lent assistance by undermining the pile and dragging the weeds out from beneath the vehicle until it was able to free itself. This took all of half an hour of breathy, sweaty labour. As the driver may be known to some of you, it might be as well for him to remain anonymous.
I have bought Jones a gift, a new mobile phone (cellphone, handy – whatever you call them in your part of the world).

One afternoon I went around to the site of Horacio’s new house. He’s about to lay the floor – 40 centimetres of reinforced concrete.

I doubled up on my English lessons this week and will do so for the following fortnight to compensate my pupils for the three weeks that we shall be away in Canada. We have been having animated discussions about the outbreak of swine flu. Jones and I are due to fly out on May 19, returning on June 13. As much as we look forward to the trip, the pandemic has done nothing to reassure us about the prudence of flying at this period.

Speaking of which – we had lunch with friends, Eddie and Lesley. The former has taken to bee-keeping, capturing swarms that he has found near their home north of Messines. His apiary has expanded from one hive to four. We wondered, after seeing a programme on the mysterious and alarming deaths of so many bees across the world, whether his had also been affected. Not at all, he said, adding that wild flowers were plentiful and no pesticides were used in the area. Long may it last. We can speak for the excellence of the honey they produce.
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