In an effort to placate my curmudgeonly back, I have confined myself to light painting duties, leaving Idalecio to bear the heat and burden of the day. Nonetheless the new tractor gate-pillars and the newly-reinforced fossa at the bottom of the garden (as well as my work-trousers and boots) bear witness to my modest efforts.

Valentina said her daughter was charged similarly after being informed that her small handbag counted as a second cabin bag. Jones was once forced to stuff such a handbag into her protesting cabin bag to avoid the same fate.

On Tuesday we went to Spain. We was Jones and me (I If you wish), friends John and Olive and, naturally, Ono and Pricks (cuddling contentedly up to the ladies in the back seat). Following eye-surgery John had been prescribed eye-drops that were available in Spain but not in Portugal. This situation is not uncommon. Portuguese pharmacists are limited to providing medications listed on a central database.

Later in the day I called round on Ze Manuel to seek the documents pertaining to the property we are trying to buy from him. I found him limping and in pain. As it turned out, I was lucky to find him at all. Driving his tractor up a steep earth ramp, he’d caught a loose rock that spun the tractor around and hurled it down a near-vertical bank. Somehow the vehicle had stayed upright. Had it rolled, Ze Manuel would have been dead.

The topographers popped in one afternoon to measure up the property in question. Finding it to be bigger and awkwarder than they expected, they made another day to do the work.
Luis, the electrician, called twice, once to wire up half of the Bijou Ensuite and a second time, with the builder, to say what he needed done in order to wire up the other half. Arsenio is due back early next week to knock some more holes in the wall.

On Thursday I paid my third visit in three weeks to Portugal Telecom to chase up the ADSL feed that they won’t give me until my account is transferred back to them from a rival supplier. The young lady who has been overseeing this process tried to explain why it had come to nothing and we would have to start again. “Was that okay?” she asked. It wasn’t. I got quite upset and surprised myself (and her) by finding fluent Portuguese for pulling one’s finger out. We’ll try again next week. In the meanwhile I’m paying Vodafone a reluctant fortune for a shaky internet link.

Jones has gradually resumed her walks as her foot returns to something like its normal size although her offended toes remain very sensitive. On Friday morning she gave a cry as she discovered that the pups had broken through from their side of the south patio to ours overnight and totally trashed the place. It looked like a bomb site.
The next day, after briefly leaving the front door open, I found both pups upstairs. (Our stairs have treads but no risers, which daunts most dogs.) I had to carry them down again. It’s all I can do to lift them these days, so quickly have they grown.

One of my ex-monk correspondents has sent me the following link to the strangest cyber clock I’ve come across: http://lovedbdb.com/nudemenClock/index2.html
Who, one wonders, would have spent so much time and effort on that?
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