First the clocks went back and the evenings suddenly grew much longer. The evening's television offerings took on a new importance. One night we watched the movie The Imitation Game on disk and, while enjoying it, regretted that it was so little true to history.

Also, with the longer, cooler evenings, we lit the first fires of autumn in the wood burner. These are just little fires, sufficient to dry the clothing hanging on the rack upstairs and to settle the dogs in their baskets. I rate the company of a good fire with that of a pleasant companion, whether human or canine. It somehow warms both body and soul.

Then lots of rain has fallen, not all at once, but over several days. During the second half of October we've had more than four inches. Each day as we cross over the River(bed) Algibre we peer over the parapet to see if there's any water in it yet. So far, not a drop - just a zillion dry stones. The earth must have been desperately thirsty to suck up all that water.

On Wednesday last week Jones suffered her fourth and final session at the dentist, who fitted a crown over the post that he had inserted so laboriously into the remains of her troubled tooth.
The following day we attended a lunch in memory of a longstanding friend and former neighbour, Tom Shubrook, a man who had given us valuable support and advice when we bought an old cottage in Cruz da Assumada nearly 30 years ago. He had been ailing for some years, cared for by a son who's nearly our age. To the surprise of all who arrived at the lunch, including Tom's brother, the son was absent. Nobody had a clue as to where he was.

The meal was held in a restaurant in Loule well known for its large servings. As few of those attending were able to finish their meals, I went around unashamedly collecting the remains from all and sundry; nine dogs to feed, said I. (We had Poppy with us for a few days on top of our eight.) I filled two large plastic bags. The dogs feasted for three days.

Speaking of whom: the pups have won the battle of nerves. They bellowed so insistently and piercingly from the pen at night that we eventually upgraded them to business class. Anne and Ian had introduced them to the back patio during the day; we found it simplest to allow them to settle there overnight. There've been a few minor mishaps (mostly pissing and chewing) but nothing serious - apart from a go at my boots and Jones's slippers. Now they're peering in the lounge door of an evening and asking if there isn't room beside the fire for three poor little orphans.

Inbetween times Jonesy has been gathering olives from our trees (and other people's), with occasional assistance from her husband. When not olives, then carobs, a considerable number of which still await our attention.

On Monday this week - as last - we visited May. She is confused and suffering from paranoia, the poor thing, seeing faces in the lampshades and afraid that people are out to get her. Jones does her best to reassure her.
Monday afternoons bring my English lessons. This week's concerned a Frenchman who was arrested by the Portuguese police for supplying false identity documents to Africans wanting to enter Europe. The judge before whom he appeared granted him bail - on condition that he reported to the police twice a week, surrendered his passport and refrained from contacting foreigners. When I asked my class afterwards where they thought the man was now, they looked at me blankly. I didn't know either, I told them, but I'd warrant it wasn't in Portugal. (Under Shengen one can theoretically get almost as far as Russia without even showing a passport.)

Then on Tuesday we went to Loule to the notary to purchase a piece of land that I've been eyeing ever since we arrived in Espargal around the turn of the millennium. The field is just above and contiguous with ours, the final piece of a puzzle that I've long wanted to complete.

In the event the vendor lacked some of the papers he needed to complete the sale, which was postponed till Friday - when the deed was done. (That's a pun, by the way.) Saturday the boys are coming to begin clearing the plot.

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