We have been laying down more concrete strips. That's Slavic, Andre and I (me, if you prefer!) They run from the edge of our cobbled terrace outside Casa Nada to the tractor gate that leads into the park.

Slavic doesn't wear a hat, not even when he labours under summer's scorching sun. Andre - centre - wears a cap. I always wear a hat outside and often inside. One never knows what is about to land on one's head. I am told that this particular Tilley hat - I have several - is one of the reasons that I am not likely to be mistaken for a Portuguese.

The dogs were eager to test the new concrete strips, stamping their pads for posterity. I wasn't best pleased, especially at the damage to the edges. There are some things one can't explain to dogs, including the consistency of fresh concrete.

This is how the area looked beforehand. Jonesy liked it that way. She fights for every inch of greenery. But with just an old stone wall - left, semi-invisible - supporting the road, I am glad to have reinforced concrete under my tractor's wheels. And the poppies will come back.

After work we settle down with beers (a coke for Andre) for some reflective conversation. Events in Ukraine are a frequent topic. So is fishing, their favourite sport.

Nelson and Natasha have also been assisting with spring-cleaning and general tasks as we set about curtailing nature's winter exuberance. Here Nelson gathers some of the weeds that my scarifier has ripped out. If weeds were worth anything, we'd be wealthy.

The dogs like to be around us while we're working. Bobby is always to be found in a sunny spot a few metres away, keeping an eye on things.

Jones's garden is putting on its summer colours. She's been working hard, tidying it up.

This section of the garden still awaits attention. Most of the greenery in the picture comprises borage plants that the bees love; Jones is reluctant to rip them out while they are still in bloom.

Nature still makes the main contribution to our flower palette, encouraged by recent rains. They have brought our seasonal total to 500 mms, just about enough to see us through the summer. With luck we get a little more before the wet season draws to an end. We need it. The Algibre river a few kms away is already running dry.

I know that this week's offering is more of a picture album than a blog. I think my muse might have had a better offer.
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