Of all the events in our frame this week, none compares with the surge of pride and joy that swelled the nation's hearts after Eder's foot launched the thunderbolt late goal that secured the Euro 2016 championship. The all-conquering heroes flew back to Lisbon the following day to a welcome by vast and adoring crowds including the State President, who was waiting to bestow suitable honours on them.

The squad's indifferent progress through the championship was forgotten; indeed, a slate of mortal of sins would have been forgiven them without so much as a penitent Hail Mary. And we were happy for them. Portugal needs all the uplifting it can get. You will not mind that I have borrowed a few pictures of the occasion.

We had hoisted the Portuguese flag on our upper patio before the game (at my sister, Cathy's insistence; following Germany's demise, she rallied to Ronaldo's cause). Here it is, fluttering high above the village.

While Jones was pleased for Portugal, she disapproved of the competition because, she said, so many teams had to lose in order that one might win. She pitied especially tearful France as French fans saw the anticipated crown slipping from their grasp. In Jones's world, creatures would co-operate rather than compete, even in sport.

As for Jones herself, she got a little older. This aging event was not noticeable in itself, only in the kindness of friends and a celebration dinner for two that we enjoyed at the Hamburgo. Pauline and Fintan presented Jones with an after-shower wrap-around of the kind that ladies find useful in preserving their modesty. She will have to wait until October to receive the gift that I have planned for her - in Madeira.

One blessing of these events was that they helped to distract us from Brexit, whose unexpected consequences have continued unabated. It was with a sigh of relief that we beheld wannabee Andrea Leadsom leave the contenders' stage and a sigh of regret that we witnessed David Cameron's exit from Downing Street. What a pity that he made a rod to beat his own back. Sometimes that's the way it is.

These past two days we have followed the new cabinet appointments as Theresa sets up her stall. We confess to a little schadenfreude as sneaky Gove got his just desserts (note the pun!) and to much surprise at shoot-from-the-hip Boris's elevation to the Foreign Office. To be honest, we don't much care who's appointed to do what as long as the economy prospers and the pound recovers.

In-between these things there has been much running around - to our accountants in Guia, to the shops, to the dog sanctuary in Goldra and to the vet in Loule. The last of these was to neuter a small bitch that recently made an appearance in the village. Although she roams the streets during the day, she visits a local family in the evenings to romp with their son, who is very fond of her. He says they call her Mini.

Between them on Wednesday, at my request, they were able to coax Mini into a borrowed dog-carrier. I took her into the vet the same evening and fetched her again 24 hours later.

The poor little mite will have to spend a little time in our former orphans' enclosure so that she can receive her daily anti-biotics. Jones sighs. She really doesn't want another dog, as winsome as she is. Pally has clearly taken a fancy to Mini; he somehow hopped the fence after his morning walk to join her in the pen where he is plighting his troth.

For the rest, life continues along the usual paths. We still walk the dogs - early and late. Nelson comes one or two days a week to clear the interminable overgrown verges. My Ukrainians still lay stone floors on Saturday mornings. At present we're working at the bottom of the garden on a project both to block next winter's weeds and to improve the appearance. We still have to do the grouting.

The days roll by under a simmering grey sky that conjures beads of sweat the instant one steps outside. Inside the house we - more I than she - cower in front of fans during the heat of the day. Just a few more weeks before the land cools down and we can breathe easily once again.

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