We've been working. Here we are slaving away. See for yourself lest you doubt me (while I think of something sensible to say).

Jones is clearing the verges on the far side of the drive - with the feline fan club in support. I had to take the pictures. Otherwise you'd see me working too. If I attempted to sit like that, you'd have to dismantle me and reassemble the bits. Beyond the trees lie our fields, about a hectare with carob, almond and fruit trees and vines.

The cats, Brave Heart and Squinty, live in Casa Nada but spend much of the day camped in the fields, watching the world go by. There they are untroubled by the dogs, which are fenced in on the other side of the drive - although they all get along well enough. The cats tend to join us in the house in the evenings, especially in winter when there's a fire going.

After taking the pictures, I fetched the tractor to scoop up the cuttings that you can see on the drive. The car (top left) now lives outside under the new exterior carport except when we have to unload the boot after shopping. This move has spoiled the the fun of the orphans who loved little more than to dash jubilantly out of the gates, past Jones's out-flung arms, as we entered.

This week has closely resembled last week and the weeks before. (Pause for thought!) Okay, our rising sequence is as follows: Jones gets up at 05.00. Here's a picture she took of Thursday's dawn.

She wakes me with toast and coffee at 07.30 when Mini has to get off my head. Ono, lying beside me, sometimes wakes also, to come walking with the gang. Otherwise he sleeps through till after 09.00. He's nearly 17 and finding it ever harder to negotiate steep inclines.

In the study, Prickles sleeps in till we call him down to breakfast at 10.00. Then he makes his way downstairs for a ten-gallon pee and a bite. (If Prickles dies before me, I want his bladder.) Prickles has given up walking in favour of outings in the car. Dear Heart is a house cat. She sunbathes on the ironing board until the sun moves round.

On the action front we've been collecting carobs, picking plums, watering the garden, walking the hills and feeding the beasts. (See previous blogs.) The heat continues prickly and the flies pestilential. We come inside from carob collecting at 13.00 and I don't venture out again till late afternoon. On the upside the evenings are glorious.

I bought this tin of meat during a visit to the animal product wholesaler, Tibi, because the translation took my fancy. (I wonder if it was deliberate.)

Seen in Espargal. Don't know the contributor! Jones wondered if we should bestow him on our animals. I thought he might be better off where he is.
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