We're approaching the end of a damp and chilly week. The rain was welcome, all of an inch last weekend.

It was so special that Jonesy took some photos of it.

I scurried around with a brolly, doing useful stuff. When the cobbles are wet, doggy poos are potentially lethal.

The garden loved the rain.

In spite of the downpour, the Algibre still runs dry, its pebble bed stretching forlornly into the distance on either side of the bridge.

The water table must be somewhere down in middle earth.

It was too wet to work with Slavic on Saturday. Instead he brought a friend who had acquired (a Smart Watch G36) device that he couldn't configure. It was to keep track of his child. In preparation I did some research. Seems that just about every other purchaser had also run into problems. The accompanying instructions were both minimal and useless. I spent an hour setting up the man's phone with step-by-step Utube guidance - but I couldn't get the device to talk to it.

After lunch Jones and I paid a visit to Benafim's newly-established monthly market - on the 1st Saturday afternoon. A dozen stall-holders did their best to attract business. We returned with some home baking and two paintings, the work of community centre residents.

An outlay of €20 for the pair included a tip. That's what I call a bargain! It could easily be taken for a Van Gogh, perhaps from his pastoral period. Should add a little class to the south patio!

Jones bought a fetching blue knitted cap, I suspect largely out of pity for the vendor. Still, it ought to stand her in good stead if she ever decides to join a hippy commune.

On Monday, during my English class, the vet phoned to say that Russ's lab results were through (at last). They showed that the dog did not have leishmaniasis as we had feared (good news). Instead his facial lesions were caused by a fungal infection.

After the lesson, we dropped by the surgery to settle the bill (ouch!) and obtain anti-fungal muti to be rubbed on.

Tuesday drizzled on and off, with occasional brisk showers. I hoped that we might settle for morning leg-lifters in the park. Long ago it became clear to me that I'm genetically inclined to be fair-weather hiker. However, Jones insisted on a real walk. So we slithered off around the hill. I kept it as short as I could.

My old green coat still does good service. Note my careful repairs to the right sleeve. I'd had the foresight to light the fire in the living room before we set out. We needed it. Minimum temps this week have been in low single figures. While not exactly weather-bomb conditions, that's distinctly chilly for the Algarve, especially when temps are iced by the north wind.

It's hardly necessary to tell you where the hounds spend the day camped out. Mello - right - will not allow us to remove the mud that attaches itself to her coat. But she doesn't mind Sparky doing it for her.

Wednesday and Thursday were bitsy. A late and unexpected shower drowned my boots and the carpet that had been drying in the sun. We did a bit of running around, being pleasantly entertained and watching TV. Sufficient unto the week.

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