This blog is taking its first steps at 11.00 on Wednesday when, according to my smart-watch, I have taken 3,366 steps, an encouraging start towards my daily target of 9,000. This is a goal that I achieve three to four times a week. I also have a flights-of-stairs target of 20. I'm not yet clear whether my watch counts both flights up and flights down. Whatever the case, I seldom achieve it.

I am relieved to report that my back has been much better behaved these past few days. Even so, if you should come across a shop selling quality used spines I should be grateful to hear from you.

On Monday we had a delightful inch of rain, gorgeous wet stuff that splashed off the cobbles and soaked into the thirsty garden. For the first time in ages we had an excuse to miss our morning slog around the hills. Feeling deprived, the dogs insisted on an outing that afternoon, regardless of the mud and we skidded along the paths - what the pigs had left of them. This exercise satisfied me but was not sufficient for Jones, who suggested an extra walk around our field that evening to photograph the moon.

The orb wasn't fully dressed, still half concealed behind the clouds, but bright enough to make a pretty picture between the branches of the budding fig tree.

As it happens, anticipating the rain, I had requested Slavic to strim the greenery around the base of the fruit trees in the field and to scatter pellets of fertilizer in the surround. While he was busy, I took another bag of pellets to the fruit trees and rose bushes in our garden. Approaching the rose bush in Mary's garden, I stood on a place that wasn't there and landed on my back in a depression between the path and the bush.

Although unhurt, I found myself wedged into the gap and incapable of getting to my feet, at least not without making rash demands of my back. So I extracted my phone from my breast pocket and rang Jones who, fortunately, had her phone with her. A cautious tug and a bit of sympathy had me back on my feet. If that sounds a bit overly dramatic, it didn't feel that way at the time. In fact I felt bloody stupid, especially with Mini on my chest and Russ licking my face.

The episode took place just beyond the stump where Barbara puts out seeds each morning for the birds. For the last week or two we have noticed that the birds are not the only feeders. A sleek rat - doubtless one of those that we drove out of the work chalet - likes to breakfast there too. He generally nips up the stump, takes a few mouthfuls and disappears again, too quick to be photographed.

Correction! That's two sleek rats. The pair appeared yesterday and settled down to the dish of the day, giving me time to snap them from the living room with my fancy new Samsung S9+ phone (overtaken this very week by the new S10). While the seeds are intended for the avian community, I don't mind sharing them with the rodents as long as they stay in the garden. The cats are too well fed to show any interest; in due course, however, the snakes will welcome a ratty morsel or two.

Returning to the moon - Jonesy continues to try to take ever better shots, assisted by the tripod on which camera now rests. This certainly isn't a bad one as well as being the last super-moon you're likely to see this year. As you may have gathered, my wife enjoys a mystical relationship with the celestial orbs.

Midweek, while Natasha tended the house, we repaired to Faro beach for a snack and a walk. (I recorded 12,000 steps that day!) Ryanair planes came and went. Indeed, it was the only airline in evidence. I was very pleased a few weeks ago to snap the picture above while we strolled through the nature reserve nearby. It was more by luck than judgement as I simply had to aim at the sky and click. Nonetheless, compliments are always welcome.

We have spent some time of late planning a break later this year with a focus on spas and thermal baths in anticipation of a little rejuvenation (I speak for myself). This has involved much scrutiny of suitable hotels and resorts, mainly via reviews on Tripadvisor. I ignore the paeans of praise and concentrate on exactly what previous visitors didn't like, particularly bad beds and rooms that require you to share other couple's holidays.

We've made a few tentative reservations. (Booking.com allows one to change or cancel without penalty until close to the time.) The other day Jones drew my attention to a viral tweet, quoted in The Times: "The man who invented auto-correct should burn in hello". I speak as a victim who recently saw his communication about a herniated disc rendered as a herniated dick. Eina!

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