The week has slipped bloglessly past. On Monday English lessons resumed and my class reflected on happiness. Merces insisted that humans were put on this world to be happy, a point of view that much of humanity might find ironic. Her fellow pupils generally agreed that health, family and friends, along with enough money to get by, were what counted. It's hard to argue with that. Maybe a little more money than just enough to get by.

Over the weekend we were entertained by a blackbird that perched on top of our telephone pole and simply sang his heart out. He trilled an ever-varying melody, a joyous avian tour de force, a virtuoso performance of sheer undiluted delight that must surely have won him the heart of a lady (blackbird). Okay, I won't overdo it! The BBC interviewed a bird-song woman who illustrated the difference between the songs of the robin, the thrush and the blackbird - and the blackbird wins claws down.

Last Saturday morning, Jack, who now spends the whole day with the other dogs (rather than partly in his solitary enclosure), sat himself on a comfortable rock to watch Slavic and me working in the park. Great piles of trimmed branches and dead twigs await burning in due course. With no rain in sight and summer looming, that may not be for several months.

On Tuesday I dropped Jones off early at Loule station before returning to the impatient (to go walking) dogs. She took the slow train to Lisbon to spend a few days with Llewellyn and Lucia (as per the following photos). We call this train service the Shake, Rattle & Roll (because it does) as opposed to the much smoother, swifter and more comfortable Alfa-Pendular express. For what it's worth, people with bad backs or similar ailments are advised to rise early and take the express.

On Wednesday I went to look for an inexpensive laptop for a acquaintance who needed one. At the FNAC store in Mar Shopping, I found a netbook - sufficient for internetting and emailing - at an attractive price and bought it. However, when I tried to set it up at home, I discovered that Microsoft, via its Windows software, had limited downloads to just a few approved products - not including essential browsers and google apps.

So, on Thursday I went back to FNAC to protest. There, it emerged that the version of Windows 10 that powered the device was really designed for students, restricting users to approved apps only. I wish they'd told me that before I bought it. To upgrade the platform to Windows Professional would have cost half as much again. Happily the store proved ready to take the device back and was able to sell me a heavily discounted, far superior, somewhat dusty, display model in its place.

Thursday evening I fetched Jones from the station and we caught up with the Masseys at the Hamburgo before returning to the household. Which brings us to where we are. In-between times, with the pool pump still out of action, I have continued to chase the pool specialist - a busy man who has pledged to visit us next week. Meanwhile the water continues to warm up nicely and we may well take our first dip these next few days.

As ever, the dogs and I have enjoyed innumerable walks in the hills. With temperatures now ranging upwards of the mid-20s we have found it advisable to rise and walk early. (Isn't it curious how lying in bed is really appealing only on those days when you can't.) Equally, afternoon walks need to be taken ever later or the beasts simply pant around the hill. For that matter, so do the humans.

In a bid to curb our rising population of rats, I have put out two traps on the bird feeders. From the kitchen window I've watched the young rats spending hours (literally) playing and feeding around these traps without deigning to enter them, no matter what the bait. Jones has vetoed my intention to reduce their numbers with an air-gun. We have appealed to regular members of the animal household to do their bit but they have made it clear that it's not their problem.

To be fair I might add that Pally spent half an hour trying to get at something in a bush. Whether it was a rat I couldn't say. Whatever the case, he didn't get it. Pally spends much of his life chasing imaginary creatures in bushes, all the time barking and just about wagging his tail right off. As people have remarked, it's whatever makes you happy.

The picture and caption above were intended to end the blog.

However, Jones took down the baited rat traps from the bird feeder and laid them at the base. She then deliberately neglected to put out seed for the birds. Lo and behold, Saturday morning brought two little prisoners. The much larger rat on the right had his tail trapped beneath the spring door, which will probably leave a kink in it. On Jones's orders I tractored the captives down the road and set them free in a field. But if Kinky makes a return appearance, it will definitely be his last.

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