Thursday afternoon and it's pissing down! My sister, Cathy, is visiting from Berlin. Here's a picture her taking a picture of the rain, lest you were in any doubt.

Most of the week has been sunny, so she's not complaining. She's also made herself useful by taking lots of photos , as you may see.

Here's one of the almond blossom now clothing the nut trees in delicate pink and white dresses.

The blossom gives promise of a fine crop of almonds, assuming that the rain doesn't destroy it, as happened last year.

Here you see - if you look closely - Cathy and Jonesy at Faro beach.

And here on the promenade at Olhao.

I was there too. As always, Prickles and Ono ride shotgun.

From marinas at both ends of the promenade, boats headed over to the distant chain of offshore islands.

Any outings have been timed to fit in between dog walks. Poor Pally, left of picture, is still limping badly - not that his injury discourages him from joining us.

Ascending Olly's path on the far side of Espargal hill.

If (until now) the days have been glorious, the nights have been cold. The wood-burning stove has been working overtime.

It's a dogs' life.

When the fire grows too warm, one retires to the couch.

Jones spotted this yellow bird. We're unsure of its identity.

Cathy followed suit by snapping this robin, hiding in a tree. Such visitors are uncommon. It's the doves and the sparrows that rule the roost.

The aloes are fired up in every corner of the garden.

Slavic spent a morning assisting me with clearing and burning.

It's still raining. Three inches recorded so far! Time to call it a day.

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