On Saturday we painted benches. We give a fresh coat each summer to half a dozen with wooden slats that are dotted around the garden. They're quick and easy. More of a challenge was dealing with the concrete benches and table that squat on the south patio, first rubbing them down and then touching them up. They weigh a ton - literally - or seem to.

It took two of us to tip the benches forward in order to slide protective cardboard sheets beneath them. I reflected on how unpleasant it must be to have a concrete roof descend on one's head in the course of an earthquake or bombing raid. What a difference a coat of paint made!

Most of Sunday I spent filling in forms, first on paper to be scanned into the computer, and then online. The former were intended for a company that submitted applications to the South African Home Affairs Department for certificates of one kind or another. The online ones were for the UK. The work took long hours, especially as I twice completed the online forms, only to run into a block when I tried to pay for them.

Monday, when the SA company responded to my email, it explained (in dubious English) that it didn't actually submit applications, it just "expidited" them. One had to submit them oneself. Ah well! It was worth a try.

I've also been in regular communication with Ian concerning plans for Anne's cremation service later this month. With luck the planned Ryanair strike will be resolved beforehand.

Monday afternoon "Jose" arrived at the gates and wondered if we would like any aerial shots of the property. He reminded us that we had bought several from him some years earlier. At that time he had hired a light aircraft to soar over the countryside, taking numerous snaps that he later tried to market. This time he came with a drone.

When I expressed an interest, he assembled the drone and set about taking assorted photos of the area. A mobile phone mounted on the control enabled him to see whatever the drone camera was looking at and, presumably, to trigger it. The results were prompt and impressive.

A purchase was agreed on condition that he gave me all the original digital images. With this Jose was happy. He extracted the chip and came upstairs with me to transfer the images to my computer, promising to return the following day with the framed pictures (which he did). (The cottages bottom-right of frame [picture above] belong to my neighbour, Idalecio. The talefe (trig-point) is upper left.)

On Tuesday I spent an hour touring our burgeoning orchard in the adjacent field on the tractor, picking fruit and snipping off the suckers from the base of the trees. This is the first year that we have a decent crop of plums and apples, albeit that we are having to share the fruit with the birds. Note the photovoltaic panels bottom-left of the field and the village reservoir far right of frame. In the evenings Jonesy often takes herself and a dram of baggy up to the summit of the hill, top-right, for a few reflective minutes.

Tuesday afternoon our new Electrolux washing machine was delivered. Its arrival did nothing to please my wife. In short, our (5-year) old unit had become unusable, requiring new bearings. My hope was to have it repaired and kept as a spare. But the firm's boss, who brought the new machine, said the whole interior would need replacing as the bearings were attached to the drum. He estimated the cost at some €250, more than the machine's worth.

Jones, ever the ecologist, thinks it's ridiculous to ditch a washing machine that's just five years old, whatever the economics. The appliance has been taken away pending a quote.

Another source of unease to my wife is the alleged disorganised state of her garden, in which she continues to spend long hours, cutting back, potting, tidying, irrigating and all the rest. I help with trimming and irrigation. In spite of her doubts, I think the garden looks lovely, set under trees on all sides; it brings me great pleasure.

Tuesday evening we dined out on the front patio. While our days are too hot for (my) comfort, our evenings are made in heaven. As well as preparing supper, my wife was preparing to age a little overnight. I had a premature sip of something alcoholic.

Wednesday we lunched with Marie and Olly at the Quinta do Moinho, an establishment in a garden setting on the outskirts of Loule, offering accommodation, a restaurant and a pool. Although we'd often passed by, we had not visited it before. It proved the ideal place for a leisurely lunch. The tree-shaded ambience is delightful and if service is slow, it's worth waiting for. Barbara wore the same outfit that she had donned for her wedding, 39 years earlier and it fitted her as well as ever.

Birthday or no birthday, we still had to walk the dogs, water the garden and watch England take on Croatia. Never mind lads! 2022 is only 4 years away and a heroes' welcome awaits you. As I reflected, I'd rather watch England go out to Croatia in the semis than to France in the final. Leaves less room for grief and blaming the EU.

Earlier, our Swedish neighbours, Lennart and Annchen, had joined us to watch the England versus Sweden match. It wasn't the result Lennart was hoping for. (Much as we try to accommodate our guests' needs, some are beyond our powers.) Now there's a two-day break until the football climax at the weekend. Meanwhile, there's Wimbledon to entertain us.

Thursday morning I had a session with Jodi. My back - I hardly dare say it - has been particularly well-behaved of late. Long may it continue!

Thursday evening brought a combined birthday dinner at the Hamburgo. It's an occasion that Barbara and Pauline have shared for years. As well as the regulars, we were joined by (Fintan & Pauline's daughter) Caroline and her two young sons, now based in Poland.

They presented Barbara with a a birthday pendant that pleased her very well.

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