It's a cool, cloud-smudged Thursday. The cobbles glisten with the sheen of the dawn showers while grey cotton wool reinforcements muster in the distance. (Warning: lots of dog pictures coming up.)

Jones has a fire going in the stove for which both beasts and humans are grateful. We have just seen off our house-sitting guests, Ian and Jennifer. For once Ian didn't join us for a tramp through the hills. He didn't fancy muddying up his departure outfit. The sounds of silence echo through the house.

I use two precautionary walking sticks on days such as these as the wet paths and smooth rocks on our hillside hikes can be treacherous, especially the steeper bits. And falling isn't fun!

This spectacular cloud and mist effect was snapped by Jones as we set out this morning. That's my distant figure lower right.

When we get back home we dry off the dogs, mainly for the benefit of our chairs. The animals have long since secured chair-occupation rights - to Jennifer's surprise.

"You allow dogs on your chairs?" she asked, somewhat taken back. "They're not ordinary dogs," I explained, "they're family. And, anyhow, they don't mind if we sit beside them." Which is true, as you can see!

What they don't appreciate is having the mud washed out of their paws after a cloggy walk. Bobby, whom we've cornered above, usually makes a dive for the kennel and refuses to come out until the coast is clear. That's Ian under one hat and me under the other.

Last week Slavic and I erected a light chicken-wire fence along the top of the cisterna (from which we think Barri leaps down to wander around outside when we go out). Undeterred, on the next occasion she knocked down the fence and went wandering again. Either that or it blew down, which I doubt! (PS Barri is female, so named because she was born in a "barril".)

So now I've invested in some serious fencing panels. Putting them up should occupy Slavic and me for most of the morning. We used to keep Barri inside when we went out but she objected to being locked up by our house sitters and destroyed the cat-flap trying to get out.

I've found the same model cat-flap online and installed it but it was available only in white and jars with the brown surround. I might have to paint it out of sight.

A visit to Leroy Merlin (fabulous store) provided us with lots of info about a small raised pool we're hoping to install over the winter as well as rubber draft-excluder linings and magnetic door closers for a couple of rooms whose doors refuse to shut quietly.

I've also bought a new smart-watch, a Samsung Galaxy, to replace my aging and battery-failing Pebble. Reviewers said it was the next best thing to the Apple watch - the unchallenged leader of the pack. The Galaxy is certainly a great advance on the Pebble.

Although I was tempted by the Apple watch 4, I resisted. The price is just crazy and I'd then be tempted to get an iPhone to go with it. Anyhow, I really like the Galaxy. The health app is a bit of a bossy boots but I can always gag it if it gets on my nerves.

Wednesday evening we celebrated at the Hamburgo. Fintan (left) and Pauline are off to Ireland shortly. Beside me is Paula (a blog fan who commutes from the UK) who came over to say hello - and Ian.

And here's the rest of us. The Hamburgo has now shut for several days. Manuel is planning a couple more closures to catch up with other things over the quiet season.

While Ian and Jennifer were away in the Alentejo for four days, Jones and I got in a load of carobs - the last from our trees. Our farmer friend came around this evening to collect them.

I've advised him and neighbours that I'll be away visiting family in South Africa next week. So no blog this coming Friday. Jones went up to the talefe at sunset this evening. I like the picture she took.

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