The first half of the week has focused on our guests, Chris Jones and family. Chris and Jane occupied the guest room while the two boys slept in Casa Nada. The weather was ideal - warm days for outings and cool nights for sleeping.

On Monday, before setting out for the shops, we carefully closed the outer door to the south patio to keep master Jack away from the dog beds and cushions. When we are out and he is bored, the dog likes nothing better than to rip a few cushions up. What we didn't notice was that one of the French windows, which stand a couple of feet above the ground, was still open.

Jack did notice and had not the least difficulty entering. His handiwork speaks for itself. Although we groan, we don't blame the dog. He was as pleased as ever to welcome us home and we to greet him. We simply need to take greater care. One consequence is that I've done a fair bit of sewing while lolling back in my recliner in recuperation mode.

So, for that matter, has Jones. Here, specifically for those readers with a keen sense of irony, is a picture of Jack taking his ease on a dog bed (that he had "altered" earlier in the day) while my wife does her best to sew it up again.

Our guests would leave mid-morning for a beach or water park and arrive back late afternoon for a swim and a meal under the patio lights. Barbara has continued to walk the dogs twice a day, occasionally with company - although not mine. I reckon that I still have a week to go to get up to speed. I'll discuss it during follow-up appointments at the hospital.

Tuesday evening we supped early at the Hamburgo, returning in time to watch the second half of the women's football semi-final between England and the US. It was hard fought and with just a bit of luck the English girls might have drawn or even won the game. But it was not to be. Tears of disappointment on one side were matched by tears of elation on the other.

Wednesday morning early Chris and family set out for the airport, bound first for London and then for home. Barbara and I headed for the hospital where I had another test scheduled ahead of consultations the following day. The waiting is the hardest part of such visits. Typically, one waits half an hour to be called, spends 15 minutes being examined and waits half an hour to pay.

That evening we began clearing the kitchen and dining area in preparation for the kitchen modifications that are due to start on Monday. Most of the stuff is being packed into large boxes. The builder reckons that the work will take two to three days. The kitchen furniture installers are due the following week. I have taken photos of all the pictures on the wall in order to be able to replace them in the same order.

Thursday morning the vet arrived early to inoculate the dogs - that's ours and those of two neighbours. There was no time to take pictures. This is an annual all-embracing circus that has to be seen to be appreciated. The challenge in the midst of the melee is to capture the orphans, Pally and Mello, who are keen on the bribes being offered to them but not on being caught. Between us, one way and another, we managed it.

Thence back to hospital for consultations, first late morning with the neurosurgeon, who removed the stitches; the second with the GP who had treated my pulmonary embolism. While there, we presented the nurses in the internment section with a coffee machine, which delighted them. Although the day staff can pop downstairs to the cafeteria, the night staff have been reduced to drinking instant.

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