2020 is upon us, the year when we should see clearly.

It's too soon to say much about it, except that clumps of wild narcissus are flowering all over the hillside.

And a tiny jewel of a dull orchid has found space to bloom in a wee patch of sand in the heart of a rocky slab.

Barbara pointed out Venus tipping her cap to the moon, which I take to be a good omen.

Like the dogs - there are three in the picture - I slept the old year out and the new year in. It arrived, on time, just the same.

For the occasion, Barbara joined Llewellyn and Lucia in Lisbon, where they seemed to do a lot of beach walking.

Along with Douglas and Roxy!

In her absence I watered her garden, fed the birds, tended the beasts and assisted an ailing neighbour. I also watched a lot of TV at night. (She does much the same when I'm away.)

I'm glad to say that Mini seems fully recovered from her unfortunate brush with Russ's teeth. That's probably enough for now. If it's not too late to say Happy New Year, Happy New Year. Otherwise, I guess we'll just carry on.

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