Much of this past week I spent in the UK with my friend Ian, whose partner, Anne, has been admitted to a hospice in the final stages of cancer. That's Ian beside the picture in the hospice corridor with Blue, one of their six golden retrievers.

In the mornings and evenings Ian and I would go walking with the dogs in the countryside around Saffron Walden. Raising, training and showing golden retrievers was Anne's life. Her dogs meant everything to her.

On our outings we'd meet up with other dog walkers, such as Tina. That's her little dog, Freddy, (at Ian's heel) who enjoys these walks as much as any.

On our return Ian would briefly check the dogs' paws for seeds or pebbles and remove excessive undercoat.

The dogs occupied baskets in various corners of the house - along with any doorways or carpets they happened to fancy.

They didn't in the least mind being stepped over (which was generally the only way to proceed). It was all very relaxed and reminiscent of home - except that Ian's dogs are not allowed on the furniture.

I had chosen three of England's sunniest days for my visit and found the back garden a shady retreat between walks and visits to the hospice. The background bird calls provided the mood music to this lovely setting.

Over the weekend we were joined by Anne's son, Sean, a BBC colleague of mine back in the days of yore. He and Ian frequently go canoeing together.

Making up the company were Sean's wife, Laura, and her mother, Christina, who posed for me following an excellent take-away supper from the local chippie. (Note the fellow in the mirror!)

My journey took me via Luton airport, which is in the depressing throes of dusty renovation. Near strip-search security, blaring music outlets, sales gauntlets and clamouring throngs drove me to seek solace in a Bloody Mary. The glass of wine for which I'd paid €3.50 at Faro airport would have cost me either £7.50 (the cheap stuff) or £9.50 at Luton. What a horrible rip-off joint!

Wednesday morning saw the annual Espargalian expats' boules competition, held as always on Sarah and David's pitch. After a hard-fought competition Barbara and her partner, Nicoline, emerged as this year's champions. David presented the trophy to the winners.

That afternoon, Carlos the vet came calling to give the beasts their annual jabs. They remember him only too well from previous visits and without enthusiasm. In the event we managed to collar both orphans as well as the bribing the regulars to take their prickly medicine - no easy task, believe me! You can't tell an animal: "It's for your own good!".

Forgive the poor picture quality. We had our hands full.
Thursday morning: There's an overnight text from Ian to say that Anne passed away peacefully in the early hours. It comes as a relief after months of suffering. RIP old friend!

OCTOBER 2003 - IAN, BARBARA, ANNE, Stoopy & Ono.
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